November, 2019
A New Yorker for most of his life,
He just split with his golf clubs and wife.
Now our president’s
A Palm Beach resident.
Let the southland put up with his strife.
The DHS head for our nation
Devised “family separation”.
Chad Wolf is the hero
Of “tolerance? zero!”
So much heartbreak from this man’s creation.
Our money’s been wasted by fools
To keep out the smugglers and mules.
Trump’s Wall’s getting breached
And America’s reached
By folks armed with cheap power tools.
Republicans really don’t care,
But Liz & Bern lay it out bare:
The very, very, very,
Very, very, very, very
rich, they ain’t payin’ their share!
Now we begin to formally withdraw.
That Paris Climate Deal just was terrible.
What matter if your shithole life’s unbearable.
We’ll not be tied to any global law.
What does a scientist know about growth?
The smell of progress -is- carbon emission.
Why should I ask some vague future’s permission.
The here and now of winning is my goal.
The Socialism of that Green New Deal
The lab coats pushing Celsius two degrees
Do polar ice caps really need to freeze?
The answer, soon enough in its reveal.
No more must makers choke on regulation –
Pursuing endless growth and innovation.
In Virginia, a woman named Juli
Once got press when she acted unruly
With a finger displayed
To Trump’s motorcade
But today, she’s elected quite duly.
(Guest writer Lindsay Graham)
Testimony and transcripts will show
There was not a hint of quid pro quo.
He didn’t, he didn’t,
He didn’t, he didn’t,
He didn’t – and if he did, so?
Each posting on the ‘net invites inspection.
Drill down and you will find the comments section
Poor grammar, lousy spelling, brute insanity
Enough to make one lose faith in humanity.
The MAGA 2020 crowd in force
Condemning all but Fox as fake of course
Insults and threats and braggadocio,
Defending their Orange Pinocchio.
They’ll spew statistics of all he’s achieved
All counter-claims are not to be believed,
For Democrats and Hollywood and Science
Are in conspiratorial compliance.
I hope our country and our world remain
When they find out their leader is insane.
He’s never met a war he didn’t like
And now he’s got one with his former boss.
When paths judicial and executive cross,
O where will Bolton’s testimony strike.
His view of Rudy making like Tom Hagan
An offer that Zelensky can’t refuse
It’s time to pay some diplomatic dues
Or else that Ukraine air support goes beggin’.
Now to your relevant conversations,
And meetings where some dirty deeds were done
The dates and times of justice overrun
Of this and every past administration.
Could someone be impeached on this alone.
Recall, accountants brought down Al Capone.
The Republicans are of One Mind,
And the Corporate Dems are in-kind.
Protect the Elite
By law or deceit,
And leave no Billionaire behind.
the soul marches on
seasoned wounded veteran
soldier of all wars
Does anyone envy their task
As we hear what lurks under the mask.
With what they have got,
Impeachment or not?
It depends much on whom you should ask.
Bill Taylor relating the trauma
Of Donald’s Ukrainian drama.
We hear what was said
While Repubs ask instead,
“What about Hillary and Obama?”
Some say he knows just what to do.
Some suggest he’s a self-hating Jew
Or just the reviled
Clandestine Love Child
Of Goebbels & Nosferatu.
Yovanovitch, out on her rump.
An unceremonious dump.
Her only malfeasance
Was that her allegiance
Was to the U.S., not to Trump.
The trickster spider in his web ensnared.
A jury finds him guilty on all counts
And from his high horse Roger Stone dismounts
Has ever there been one so truth-impaired.
A rabid dog inside a fancy suit
Relentless master of the smear campaign
No bottom line is found within the brain
Of he who peddles right-wing poison fruit
Intimidate, deny, obstruct, attack
A playbook that would make Dick Nixon proud.
With Manafort and Flynn, please join the crowd
It’s off to prison sir, and don’t come back.
The subterfuge and pain in which he’d revel.
Where does one find the sympathy for this devil.
Tho some friends of mine say it’s but hearsay,
Those listening in were quite near-say.
What was said, what was meant
What was Trump’s true intent,
All of this is becoming quite clear-say.
In Lou’siana and in Kentucky
Trump-backed candidates were quite unlucky.
Despite the support,
His guys came up short
Could it be cuz the President’s sucky??
The rumors and the speculations fly
The White House denies anything abnormal
A visit. That is all. Nothing was formal.
Our President’s a hella healthy guy.
His massive brain is ge-ni-us and stable.
No problems with his heart, for he has none.
In going “number two”, he’s Number One,
And don’t you dare put diet on the table.
This physical was part-one of a study
And then he met a young man in recovery
Stop looking for some sinister discovery
The fact is Walter Reed’s a golfing buddy.
A fear of something serious, but nope.
Yet even so, the rest of us can hope.
It’s not about the witness on the stand.
Reject their very presence out of hand
Instead, call out the Hunter Biden mess
And dirty deeds by Fusion GPS.
The dark alternate narrative returns,
Ignores a career diplomat’s concerns
Discounts alleged hearsay caught on phones,
But loves the talking points of Alex Jones.
Our President has not been treated fairly
The Dems, the Hollywood Cabal, the Ukraine crooks,
The former staffers with their tell-all books
You know, the blame lies with Obama, squarely.
(I’m tired of these never ending tunes
As sung by ranking member Devin Nunes.)
Yesterday Sondland gave us the scoop:
Zelensky – a quid pro quo dupe.
The aid we’re providin’
For dirt on Joe Biden,
And everyone was in the loop.
Netanyahu indicted? What for.
A leader with greed at his core.
Some bribery and fraud?
Selling favors? How odd!
Somewhere, I have heard this before
Our Prez lacks connection with fact,
And Ratcliffe and Nunes? No tact.
But still it is noted
That Democrats voted
Extending the Patriot Act.
It’s a federal crime to solicit
Something seen of value to a campaign
From a foreign agent, and now spreads the stain
To Nunes, who it seems may have been complicit.
So many saw Ukraine opportunity
So many now may have something to fear
Should ethics apply to what is done here
Or do we just take with impunity
One hand in the pot. The other points fingers
All sides have a defense with “what about you?”
Each player, a chance for turning the screw
And yet for all, a strange aroma lingers.
What’s going on is more than we can see.
Meantime, our best to Justice RBG.
There once was a Prince named Andrew.
His buddies and he liked to screw.
Queen Mother got pissed –
Scratched him off of her list
For the nasty-ass things he would do.
A Judge notes Democracy’s flaw:
It puts no one above the law.
“Presidents are not Kings”.
Let’s hope McGann sings
About what he did, heard and saw.
Opinions – there sure are a lot.
They’re something that everyone’s got.
But if you don’t agree
With Trump or DNC,
You’re obviously a Russian bot.
For near a thousand days, each day a verse
A troub’ling time on this long-troubled earth
Observed with gnawing doubt disguised as mirth
Yet thankful, knowing well it could be worse.
Each day new reasons why we stand apart
And battle over what is meant by “free”,
As those who rule show clear how not to be
If one should have a conscience and a heart.
I offer though, a gratitude profound
For where it is I get to stand, and how,
And who I stand with in this precious now
More grateful though if they’d but stick around.
Yet deep and far, my thankful nature dropped
When seen his head on Rocky, photoshopped.
Yesterday things were happy and stable
Even tho’ some were simply not able
To keep the mood light
Til the end of the night
By avoiding his name at the table.
Impeachment proceedings still run.
Time now for Trump photo-op fun.
Hand food to some troops
Sing your praise to small groups
And act like you’re getting things done.