May, 2020


The feel of music
The touch of a welcome hand
The smell of my friends


So Stephanie Grisham is done,
And the McEnany Era’s begun.
In her first Press to-do
Said “I won’t lie to you”.
I’m guessing that’s Lie Number One.


So tired of the glowing orange face.
So tired of the ever present name.
So tired of the constant passing blame.
So tired of the speeches, void of grace.

So tired of the gestures and the sneer.
The fetid oval of the moving lips.
The whiny rasp. The waddle of the hips.
The gnawing dread of each new thing to fear.

So tired of each blatant selfish goal.
The lies that number far beyond detection.
And those who’d proudly vote for reelection
Of he devoid of empathy or soul.

And yet there is a light beyond this slump,
Embracing things that do not rhyme with “dump”


Those protesters don’t fear the spread.
It’s loss of their rights that they dread.
They’re angry and armed.
But their lives are charmed.
If Black, they’d already be dead.


On Capitol steps, a convention
Of folks who eschew prevention.
With chemtrail birthers
And deep-state flat-earthers.
Armed “patriots”, voicing dissension.


By boat our guys would have attacked.
To help eevil Maduro get sacked.
How nice that we’ve seen
Despite Covid-19,
Our diplomacy still is intact.


Vigilantes in Georgia attack.
A young man will never come back.
Two months. No arrest.
Justice fails the test.
When you’re guilty of jogging while Black.


A double-shot of weariness and fear
As weeks drag on, the life we knew on pause
Conflicting truths regarding cure and cause
And no clear path to moving on from here.

Projections from the CDC and WHO
Our leader wants to wish those words away
For economic models hold more sway
Get back to work. It’s just a kind of flu.

The dark statistics get marginalized
As push turns into shove, full steam ahead
Acceptable, the number of the dead.
No mask for Trump. Is anyone surprised.

Beyond the shape and spin we’ll hear today,
Our thoughts and prayers go out to his valet.


For decades, did proudly his duty
Flamboyantly shaking his booty
Few of us could look finer
In sequins and eye-liner
The man who gave us Tutti-Frutti.


On this day, regarding our plight
I think how things could have gone right:
When preparing for bed
If she only had said
“I’m too tired Fred, so not tonight”


This new Barr decision draws flies.
But the winners write history, guys.
It’s right to be pissed
About charges dismissed.
Michael Flynn told “material lies”.


Assurances at Monday morning’s briefing
How everything is working out just fine
The boasting in a pouty raspy whine
A nasty question – suddenly he’s leaving.

Before that tho’, one word – Obamagate.
Thru hist’ry, it’s our country’s biggest crime
Specifics still a mystery for the time.
(Guess Mitch told him to shut his mouth too late).

Up next, the Supreme Court and Trump finances.
Past actions and transactions. Wanna bet
They’ll be released? Just ask his buddy Brett.
The odds are 5 to 4. He’ll take his chances.

Meanwhile, Fauci can’t be blamed for trying
To keep from needless suffering and dying.


Paul Manafort, worthy of note,
Serves the rest of his sentence remote.
His lock-up will cease
Granted early release
To care for that fine Ostrich coat.


Their conservative court did the trick.
The shelter-in-place did not stick.
Their ruling is clear.
Let’s go grab a beer!
In Wisconsin, you’re free to get sick.


He offers no coherent plan.
He thinks there’s good folks in the Klan.
He sings his own praises.
His lying amazes.
My God, who could vote for this man.


What has this poor man been ingesting.
It’s hard to believe he’s suggesting
Our number of cases
Exceeds other places
Because we do way too much testing.


Eric Trump offered something quite swell
On Fox News, that I can’t wait to tell:
When Election Day’s here,
COVID will disappear.
Here’s hoping his dad will as well.


Obama, it has come to pass,
Gave a speech to this year’s Senior Class.
How refreshing to hear
One who speaks loud and clear
From heart and head, rather than ass.


Both risks and rewards have been seen
Of this treatment, for lack of vaccine.
We hope for the best
As he puts to the test
Taking hydroxychloroquine.


Pelosi’s all hating on Trump.
Their relationship’s deep in a slump.
Fat shaming should cease.
“Morbidly Obese”?
We’d rather say “Pleasingly Plump”.


Unemployment’s a troubling fate.
There’s 38 million to date.
But Trump keeps on grinning,
And boasting of winning,
And keeping America great.


In Watsonville’s Ford plant, Trump’s dropping by.
Requests to wear a mask, but no, he ain’t.
Don’t want the inside smeared with orange paint.
For him, the rules and science don’t apply.

But rules for voting, that’s another thing.
No mail-in ballots. Too much chance for fraud
Decrees the man some say chosen by God.
The right to vote has such a hollow ring.

And in our isolation, holiday!
Memorial Day weekend to remember!
But will we look regretful come September
Because we stood too closely in our play.

In other news, now China’s in the wrong
In tightening its noose around Hong Kong.


Churches reopen? You bet!
Just be sure that Trump’s guidelines are met!
Our president’s orders
Transcending state borders.
C’mon – he ain’t lied to us yet!


As sickness and tension abound,
We know where our Prez will be found.
Helping out? Spreading hope?
Easing suffering? Nope.
He’ll be on the links playing around.


Memorial Day is a call
To reflect upon those who gave all
It’s sad we must ask
To please wear a mask
In concern for the folks yet to fall.


With conspiracy rumors to spread,
Trump’s viciously sick in the head.
His new tweeting low
Points to Joe Scarborough
And an intern who’s tragically dead.


We’ve read the quotes – his pivoting on China –
From touting friendship, deep respect, and praise,
To stern denouncing where blame squarely lays.
Yet fans of his say none could run things finer.

We’ve heard his lies, denial, passing blame,
And watched him golf as more things fall apart
Don’t like the facts? Just modify the chart.
And yet so many love him just the same.

We’ve seen his tweeted baseless accusations.
Fact checkers weary, can’t keep up the pace
With how he stoops to energize his base,
Our tragic bully laughingstock of nations.

That nauseating sickness that you feel
Reflecting on the person at the wheel.


black face in pavement
blue knee presses into neck
white hand in pocket


Goodbye Communist bureaucrats.
If I live, I will send my congrats.
Our country is saved.
Trump’s next term is paved
With the bodies of dead Democrats.


SpaceX may be launching today.
Hope the astronauts will be okay.
With our whole planet crumbling
And leadership bumbling,
Can you blame them for getting away?


Staring in shock at the wreck.
Injustice is stacking the deck.
America’s bleeding.
A madman is leading.
The tourniquet’s around the neck.

Joe Paulino