March, 2019

The new EPA head named Wheeler
Is a big-time Coal Industry dealer.
As his underlings flee,
He claims progress is key –
This safeguard protection repealer.

If truly we wish value from our future
Then now we must see value in a teacher
A lazy, over-paid, socialist creature
For young and challenged minds, a healing suture.

Inspired and inspiring when at best
This baby sitter, warden, cop and friend
A job of late that’s hard to recommend
And now it’s their resolve that’s put to test.

The Titans, Brokers, Superstars and scammers
And those who’s business is but making money
Contribute less, but take home all the honey.
Demanding Fair is not sickles & hammers.

You know the billionaire DeVos is wise.
She knows well the solution. Privatize.


There once was a Black man named Stern
Who gave neo-Nazi’s the burn
Through an odd twist of fate,
Took the reins of their hate,
And will force NSM to adjourn.


Abuse and obstruction; rampant corruption.
Dozens of folks from Trump’s organization.
This Judicial Branch inquiry’s quite a sensation.
And how does our Prez cope with all this disruption?

A lie-filled flag-humping show for his base.
The CPAC Regatta – a week-end long rite
Of Red, White & Blue – with the focus on White.
A break from the troubles outside he must face.

There’s family and friends with questions to answer
Two sons and an in-law, a long list of cronies
Made up of enforcers, grifters and phonies
We know he’s a dealer, but how good a dancer.

The Greatness of our Great American Scandals.
So cast a wide net on Democracy’s vandals.


When she lost the election, she grieved,
And her many supporters were peeved,
But when Hil made it clear
That she won’t run next year,
I must say I was slightly relieved.


Their last Summit wasn’t much fun.
Now a nuclear rebuild’s begun.
With his cronies indicted
Too bad Trump got slighted
By his good friend dictator Jong Un.


With current events off the scale,
Theres much to make one weep and wail.
One’s mood can be gray,
But one good thing today
Is Paul Manafort goes to jail!


The much anticipated day in court
Came for the “blameless life” of Manafort
When for his acts, committed fraudulently,
His sentencing was offered leniently.

A stellar past in service to corruption,
To global despots fostering disruption
How many through his service came to pain
Before his job as head of Trump’s campaign.

But forty-seven months is what’s expected
When one is white and wealthy and connected.
If you should steal a million or a dollar,
The justice is the color of your collar.

This man has no contrition to confess.
How many have served more for doing less.


Dave Bernhardt now heads the Interior.
His goal: make protections inferior.
The man sold his soul
To Oil Gas and Coal.
I wish we could kick his posterior.


There’s a rhyme to write – better get to it.
But I waited too long and I blew it.
One about our Head Crook’s
Signing folks’ Holy Books
But a friend of mine just beat me to it.


How many billion dollars does it take
To build a border wall that does not break.
How long must lies and prejudice persist
To sell a crisis that does not exist.

Twenty-five million dollars for each mile
Would fund our schools quite nicely for a while
But God’s anointed savior leads our nation –
With Trump in charge who needs an education.

There was a time Republicans stood fast
Against all debt, but lo, that time has passed
Now lining up to feed the Great Machine
They’re printing cash at rates that are obscene.

Security is pushed like a narcotic,
This 700 miles of idiotic.


Our planet is going insane
With many in fear or in pain
But the sad thing today
Is the passing away
Of the legend of drumming, Hal Blaine.


When some MAX-8 planes crashed in a flurry,
Governments grounded them in a hurry.
Good precautions to take,
But with Boeing at stake,
Our FAA says “Not to worry”.

(I’m pleased to note that since this rhyme was posted, these coffins on wings have since been grounded in the USA. I guess our President read my rhyme. Bravo!)

Why on earth would one work to Be Best.
You can pay someone to take your test.
To get in the best schools
There’s two sets of rules –
For the rich, and then all the rest.


When hatred leaps from thought to manifest
And dreams of bloodshed wake unto the real,
This 8-chan sickness now in stark reveal,
To foster fear and foment more unrest.

A tribute to the slaughters of the past,
These bullets fly in Christchurch of all places
His target – worshippers with darker faces
Demented star with his unwilling cast.

A secret web of hatred cheers it on
For yes, this massacre was broadcast live
What monstrous soul could ever this contrive
Oh One God, please, where on Earth have you gone.

His manifesto brings the darkest clue:
White Children, this man did it all for you.


When Congress gave Trump a defeat
On his Border Wall Crisis conceit,
While perched on his throne,
He picked up his phone
And delivered his VETO by tweet.


Two years ago upon this very day
I started with a rather simple verse,
Then daily wrote of world events perverse
In all that time, there wasn’t much to say…

Some houses burned, some famous people died,
Some 36 Trump cronies got indicted,
Flyover states saw cities grow more blighted
White guys with guns mass-murdered for their pride.

The rich got more while workers took a hit.
Our press and whistle-blowers paid quite dearly.
We witnessed stacked courts shifting right so clearly
While Politicians spewed their same old shit.

Brown kids were put in cages, glaciers dwindled,
Big Pharma grew, while sickly folks got swindled,
And blameless souls in countries far away
Were killed by weapons Made in USA.

Atop it all, just watching with a shrug.
Our President, this graceless, tone-deaf thug.


Steve King jokes about Civil War.
With one trillion bullets to score.
It’s Blue versus Red!
It’s Americans, dead!
This man is depraved to his core.


The New York AG took a look
At the Trump Foundation ledger book.
Crossing ethical lines
Cost it millions in fines,
For his own benefit he partook.


Houston’s dark clouds are safe, so they say.
Two days worth of fire. OK…
Naphtha, gas and xylene
Spewing smoke on the scene…
Say “Hello” to your new EPA.


So New Zealand bans guns of assault.
This will not bring their woes to a halt.
When guns are outlawed,
Liberty will get flawed.
If they live, it’s their own goddamned fault.


Trump’s budget that’s for 2020
Cuts social program funding plenty.
The poor, sick and old
Get stuck in the cold.
It’s the same ol’
Republican stunt-y.


Two years and costing over 30 mil,
This nightmare of a “witch hunt” and a “hoax”
This running theme of late night talk show jokes,
But for the facts, we are but waiting still.

For Mueller’s work is in the hands of Barr.
Despite his promise of transparency
How much will Congress really get to see
How deep the revelations and how far.

Now breathlessly we wait for some conclusion
Some clean-up for these many cans of worms
From Deutsche Bank to crony prison terms,
And maybe just a hint of some collusion.

But now the air is filled with pundit chatter
And to his base, the findings will not matter.


For Econ, Steve Moore has no head.
He just makes up statistics instead.
This man is the joke
Who helped Kansas go broke,
And he’s Trump’s pick to serve on the Fed.


Yesterday, we were hoping for plenty.
But instead of “Home Run!”, we got “bunt-y”.
If that’s really that,
“Mueller Time” just fell flat.
Let’s hear it for “Trump 2020!”


The poem of the beast now, six-six-six.
The downward spiral of my daily counting.
With rancor on both sides, the pressure mounting
Combines with ego for a toxic mix.

Exonerated by who he appointed,
Proclaiming victory, this Teflon Don
Is free to proudly perpetrate The Con,
Emerging as his base’s True Anointed.

And with that four-page summary in hand,
He rubs it in the face of his accusers,
Those fiction-writing sick and biased losers
And moves ahead more firmly in command.

It seems, with Russians, he did not consort.
Still we demand to see the full report.

DeVos says “cut Special Olympics”.
To provide some minor budget fix.
An inspiring show,
But the money must go
To fund projects of some old limp pricks.


In America, land of the free
We enjoy the right to disagree
For what ever reason.
But I’ll call it treason
If you dare disagree with me


It’s hard to know where to begin
As I look at The Don and his kin
Rude, callous and vain
Neanderthal brain,
And an ego devoid of chagrin.

So Trump is absolved of all guilt.
Yet disclosure demands will not wilt.
For some say that Barr
Has gone a bit far,
Causing scales of justice to tilt.


What once was posed as “truth”, becomes “opinions”.
Convenient second thoughts with trial looming
But what of all the lies, his fans consuming
False flag beliefs dispersed among his minions.

So now his second thoughts on crisis actors
Those twenty-six poor victims really dead
But Alex Jones deflects the blame instead
And points at dark conspiratory factors.

What once was sold as “news”, now “entertainment”
Among the right-wing paranoia lot.
Unwilling to admit the grief he brought
Perhaps his tune will change at his arraignment.

Yes, many times our government has lied.
But Sandy Hook was real, and children died.

Ian Dogole