June, 2019


Former Ethics Chief Shaub says “Beware”.
Fourteen tweets outline why we should care.
It starts with our guy’s
And then, things go downhill from there.


To some it was hard to explain
Why they moved the warship McCain.
Sure he was a brave Vet,
Decorated, and yet
Just the name may cause “Bone Spurs” some pain.


When Donnie arrived in Great Britain
He tweeted things that weren’t fittin’.
He went on and on
Insulting Mayor Khan.
Sad it’s with Kim Jong Un that he’s smitten.


George Nader, perhaps worthy of our scorn,
Once hooked up a back-channel to the Kremlin
With Erik Prince, that ol’ Blackwater gremlin.
And now the man’s been caught with kiddie porn.

His Mueller testimony might bring rage
Or just a shrug, depending on your side
But at the airport, on his phone, inside,
Explicit graphics of boys underage.

In White House, met with Kushner and with Bannon,
Despite reports of previous abuses.
Forget his sins, the man has greater uses –
His Middle East connections are like Manon.

For years, he ducked when conflicts had arisen
Through high-placed friends who kept him out of prison.


While thousands take to protest in the street
And Baby Blimp is floating overhead,
A robot tweets on gilded toilet seat
But Trump sees “great love all around” instead.

A stiff and awkward photo with the queen
No grabbing here. Behavior unassailable.
The BBC depicts him as porcine
How sad for him Fox News is not available.

Lampooning – such a proud British tradition
Grotesque sarcasm not meant to endear
But now it’s not mere folly but a mission
His right-wing message is not welcome here.

(Although the masses jeering truly grates,
He knows that they were bussed in from the states.)


There’s no deal with Korea.
There’s no deal with Japan.
There’s no deal with the Democrats.
The Art of Deal Man.

There’s no deal on the table.
There’s no deal on the floor.
And there’s no one in the White House
Who knows what the deal is for.

No deal yet on health care
And there’s no deal on the wall
No deal for the veterans
Except the one that’s raw.

There’s no dealing with our allies
There’s no dealing with our foes
The secret deal’s in armaments
(but everybody knows).

The environment will not be dealt with.
Its marker’s overdue,
And ultimately holds the cards.
A few more hands, and through.

No deal on the future.
No deal on the now.
A close eye on the dealer’s hands
Still won’t reveal the how.

When dealing with a dealer
It’s best to take it slow
For what was once a deal
Soon becomes Pay As You Go.


I’m afraid that it wouldn’t be slandering
To say North Carolina’s been pandering
To conservative bases
And votes with white faces
Through illegal racial gerrymandering.


So Trump wants to lower the bar
Of restricting emissions by car.
You know that it’s clear
That his plan’s too severe
When the industry says, “Hey, too far”.


So D-Day has come and has gone.
Brave soldiers who’s memories live on.
We reflect on their fate
But our Prez is irate
That the “D” in it don’t stand for “Don”.


Kashoggi, we should not forget,
Was killed by the Saudis, and yet
Trump sees their appeal
And will make an arms deal
Unless our own Congress says, “Nyet”.


The Mexico Trade Deal’s in place!
Trump shows himself off as an Ace!
(But much of this score
Was agreed months before
And a lot of the rest just saves face).


In this heat it’s quite hard to write jokes.
So much sun that my rhyming brain chokes
A profound fear of fire
Just helps me perspire
So glad Global Warming’s a hoax.


A foreign adversary’s now a friend,
Based on a rival’s dirt it may provide.
This statement illustrates a great divide:
Corrupted means to justify an end.

In emphasizing winning over leading,
We live in the United States of Trump
And wait for orders on how high to jump
While at the curb, Democracy is bleeding.

The despots and the strongmen he admires
He sides with over loyal opposition
And yet this un-American position
Helps light the torches for his base’s fires.

His answer that he finds no harm in listening.
Reflected in how bright his slime is glistening.


The man who said it wasn’t fakin’.
Somewhere an oath has been forsaken.
Impeachment action should be taken.


Iran wants a war, sez Pompeo
Response should come without delay-o.
All this policy wonkin’
Smells like Gulf of Tonkin
It’s hard to believe what he say-o.


I’d always felt I’d seen that face before
Unseeing porcine eyes, unsmiling sneer
A flat and scolding voice instilling fear
Just like my 3rd grade schoolyard monitor.

The podium had never looked so bleak
Until this chance to throw her weight around.
She’d drag a once free press down to the ground
And straight face’d lie when ‘ere she’d choose to speak.

Evade, deflect, obscure, ignore, deny,
Amazing work by this Gaslighting Queen
Oh Mama, treat those bad reporters mean
And dully normalize the actions of your guy.

Now Governor in Arkansas’ the goal.
For she devoid of conscience and of soul.


Needing all the support he could bolster,
He pulled current stats from his holster.
But the numbers he’s hidin’
Trail Warren and Biden
So our Prez simply fired his pollster.


Soon ICE will descend on our nation
Chasing migrants to Donald’s elation
With his great plan to seize
And deport refugees
In this “crisis” of his own creation.


Orlando’s where he spilled the loving cup
And let its nectar flow down on his base.
Condemned the present press right to their face,
And led the pungent cry to “lock her up!”.

“Those Democrats, you know they’re out to git ya’,
They only want to trash the things we’ve done
And take away your Bible and your Gun.
Without me you will never know what hit ya’.

So cheer me as you smell the swamp I’m draining.
We’ll stand against the angry Left-wing mob
And as I lie, deflect, deny and rob,
I’ll pee on you and you’ll believe it’s raining.”

A rally for this four year long infection.
I shudder when I think of re-election.


Will Donald pick up the Red Phone.
Is the chance for diplomacy blown.
Will the arms sale end
To our dear Saudi friend.
Will we go to war over a drone.


It’s all right, kids

Go out and play

We will not go

To war today.


So Donald says he never met her.
There’s a picture. How could he forget her.
Which one has the say
Of what happened that day.
Of the two of them, I’d have to bet, her.


The quaint phrase “safe & sanitary”
Sounds nice but still we should be wary.
No toothbrush. No soap.
How ‘bout some beds? Nope.
For children, this sounds more than scary.


There’s twenty-five hats in the ring.
How much game does each candidate bring.
The passion and vision
To avoid a collision
And dethrone our wannabe king.


Iran, oh Persia, wise and ancient land.
Rich history, a culture deep and great,
And yet between our governments, such hate
For reasons that I don’t quite understand.

Is it our issue with the God you serve.
Is it our lack of trust regarding nukes.
Is it your ayatollah’s smug rebukes.
Or is it but your oil rich reserve.

More sanctions take effect as tensions grow
We hold our breath as global leaders spar.
One wrong move, one word, one gesture once too far
And dominoes could shift the world we know.

A permanent closure of diplomacy
Is this a chapter that truly needs to be.


We’re hearing that come mid-July,
Robert Mueller will go testify.
What will Congress find out?
Was there ever much doubt?
Trump’s lie, after lie, after lie.


Ten candidates on Prime Time took the stage
To test the phrases that define their brand,
And joust about the topics placed at hand:
Health care, to war, to children in a cage.

The lesser-knowns would go to any lengths
To interrupt, to shine, to grab attention
And many questions barely got a mention
In answers framed to emphasize one’s strengths.

And now the morning pundits set their sights
Dissecting every gesture, word and glance
To analyze this studied, awkward dance,
And see who sweat the most beneath the lights.

(Oh, Beto, just a note before you vanish –
The rest on stage appreciate your Spanish)


Face down in the mud was their fate
Leaving horrors that we helped create
Governmental disruption,
Poverty and corruption
Meanwhile, who won the debate.


In Japan at the G-20 Meeting,
Climate Change was a topic, but fleeting.
Some folks think that their pact
Is too mild an act.
How long can our Earth stand the beating.


At the DMZ zone yesterday
Donald met with Kim Jong Un to play.
How historic and fine
That he stepped ‘cross that line.
Dear God, now if only he’d stay.

Ian Dogole