February, 2020


Wherever its consequence reaches,
One thing this impeachment trial teaches,
This issue unites
The Lefts and the Rights:
All Senators love to give speeches.


Today, maybe set aside beefs.
Pay no mind to political griefs
As the coastal elites
Battle mid-west Main Streets
When the Niners throw down with the Chiefs.


Trump’s football fan friends got their fill
At his Florida place. What a thrill.
A Super Bowl Fest
Where we paid for each guest
To the tune of just 3.4 Mil.


t’s my hope we final’y hit bottom here
Murkowski then so eloquently stated.
Both parties and both houses castigated,
Self-serving self-destruction made too clear.

A demon burns its way through ol’ DC
No side, she says, can stand exempt from blame
While media so swiftly fans the flame
All lose when this is how you play the game.

A nearly empty chamber heard her speech
Behavior that she called “shameful and wrong”
Nice tune but too late for the song,
Yet Trump’s own interests led to over-reach.

Good points in her eleven minute snit.
And still Murkowski’s voting to acquit.


It was far less a speech than campaign,
As eloquence circled the drain.
Some half truths to pedal,
And Rush got a medal,
Then Nancy made her response plain.


This bloviating gasbag of a man
Spews fetid bile on those below his station
Fat jester for the sickness of a nation
No wonder our Dear Leader is a fan.

Women, Blacks & gays – minorities –
The slaughtered Tribes, the victims of empire
For them, he pees more fuel upon the fire
For male, White and straight – he holds the keys.

And now, his Silver Medal. Right on cue.
To honor his divisive broadcast deeds
Just what this opiated buffoon needs
Be proud. I heard Bill Cosby got one too.

His hateful brand of humor’s not the answer.
But hey, I wish him luck with all that cancer.


With the White House’s East Room outfitted,
He bragged about being acquitted.
He went on quite a while,
And elsewhere, meanwhile,
The Statue of Liberty vomited.


With Donald absolved of his sins
Those who crossed him get kicked in the shins.
Testify against Trump?
Yer out on yer rump.
Guess the real witch hunt now begins.


Biden wants you to think he’s a player.
A “No Malarkey” Trump slayer.
A dynamic go-getter.
But he’s got to do better
Against a young, gay, small-town Mayor.


One thing that we all learned last night –
The Oscars ™ have gotten it right:
In art and in life,
Truth cuts like a knife.
The winner? Of course. Parasite.


This budget is tragic hilarity
He calls “dominance and prosperity”.
That 4.8 Trill
Is quite a bit, still,
Too many are in need of charity.


If e’er it was before, it’s not a joke.
For now emboldened by exoneration,
Pursuance of vindictive vindication
Could cause an elsewise moral man to choke.

His party now is no impediment.
They fawn upon his non-existent clothes,
And each who longs to keep his favor knows
That dear man Roger Stone is innocent.

We wonder now how justice is defined.
Is it to service only those in power,
While those who seek a greater good must cower.
Thanks for your service. Entry is declined.

A darker pattern dares now to emerge
His allies binge whilst rivals get the purge.


With the sentence that Barr recommended,
Some suggest that his tenure be ended.
Upset lawyers resigned.
But others don’t mind.
He’s just helping a guy Donald friended.


If you know the melody, please sing along…

Better than Trump in the White House
Better than building a wall
Better than members of Congress
Acting petty and small
Better than Right Wing militias
Better than Lindsay and Mitch
Better than children in cages
Or tax breaks for the rich
Better than midnight tweeted lies
Or Giuliani’s buggy eyes
Better than anything except
Being in love.

Better than Red States and Blue States
Jumping down each other’s throats,
Better than flooded coast cities
Being maneuvered by boats.
Better than Nazis on 4-chan
Plotting the Free World’s demise,
Better than Don Junior’s rifle
Or Melania’s thighs.
Better than wondering how and why
As you shake your head and cry
Better than anything except
Being in love.

Better than glaciers a-melting
Better than fire and flood
Better than climate change weather
Bringing on slides made of mud
Better than Black folk not voting
Or dissenters in jail
Better than having a road map to avoid The Big Fail.
Better than knowing how you’ll feel
When those prophesies get real.
Better than anything except
Being in Love.

Better than casting a ballot
Better than working for change
Better than Barr and Pompeo
Getting afflicted with mange
Better than sound bites and shouting
Being disguised as debate
Or elected officials
Spewing lies, fear and hate
Better than letting out a cheer
When Election Day is here
Better than anything except
Being in love.


Among all the campaigning prattle
More and more there’s a disturbing rattle.
Seeing Mike Bloomberg’s face
Suggesting this race
Be of two billionaires doing battle.


Those Sins Trump committed quite readily,
Without pause for contrition, and steadily.
He’s indulged in all Seven.
Will he get into Heaven?
We’ll find out. Now, if only they’re Deadly.


Rob Manfred, he gets no relief
For giving the ‘Stros little grief
For World Series cheating.
No one gets a beating
In these days of our Cheater in Chief.


This four-day work week has begun.
I hope yesterday you had fun.
Kicking back, or at play,
On Presidents’ Day,
Celebrating them all. Except one.


Oh Blago, congrats on your pardon.
On your way out, say “bye” to the Warden.
Like Kerik & Milken
Absolved for their bilkin’.
All of this just to give Trump a hard-on.


Six candidates standing apart.
Their arguing fell short of art.
Klobuchar got it right
With one phrase tonight:
“Our president, he has no heart”


A sideways Babel tower of six voices
Accuse, assure, explain, define and quip
As vulture pundits stay tuned for a slip
And thirsty eyes and ears observe their choices:

An angry guy who holds blame to the rich.
A ship that’s sailed. A Shiny Object face.
A racist billionaire who bought his place.
A snippy school ma’rm and some pushy witch.

With finger-pointing grasps at popularity
These former, future allies duke it out
In sowing less of confidence than doubt.
This stage affords no time nor place for charity.

Do any standing here bring greater fears
Than brightly burning thoughts of four more years.


Trump’s new overseer of spies
Comes off as more loyal than wise.
An intelligence loss,
But he sure loves his boss.
You’ve been warned now, so watch your backs, guys.


Tho he says he supports those who work,
He just gutted their rights with a smirk.
Defense employees
Get a bargaining freeze
And this keeps us secure? What a jerk!


So Trump is in India now.
A big-time PR pow-wow
With his buddy Modi.
No shakti, no bodhi,
Just an orange & un-sacred cow.


The branches of government be
Designed to work separately
And with their own talents,
Provide checks and balance.
But Trump wants control of all three.


With the president doing so fine
He can tweet anything & still shine.
Our Orange Pinocchio
Has such braggadocio
That he might even pardon Weinstein.


Our President’s sorry you’re ill.
That Corona Virus can kill.
He’s sent Pence to help
Who’s feeling is, welp,
If ya got it, it’s prob’ly God’s will.


With the world getting hotter each year,
And the Corona Virus draws near,
We’re drowning in plastic,
The stock market’s spastic
And America’s greater in fear.


A creeping scourge, or Democratic hoax.
A major threat, or just the latest scare.
To comfort us, the Internet is there
Abounding with conspiracies and jokes.

Mulvaney says that we can handle this
A this that daily seems to be expanding,
Defying anti-science understanding.
The cost of cure – the next Big Pharma bliss.

Our next step seems to be travel restriction
And on its face, a logical position.
But what about community transmission
Already bringing daily new affliction.

How blessed to have the faith of VP Pence
To pray away disease and pestilence.

Joe Paulino